Information for the freshmen
All the students of the 1 st course are automatically registered in KPI Library!
Now all freshmen can use all resources and services of the library for free.
How to take book home:
- enter your MyAccount in electronic catalogue:
– your login – number of your student ID card (without letters);
– your password – date of your birthday in the format ddmmyyyy (we advise you to
change the password to the safe one in your settings); - find the publications you need and make order;
- check out your order from the library. Or use our service «Books by post» and receive
the publications in the nearest post office.
In your MyAccount you can also see checked-out books and renew period of use (for example, from 2 month to 4 month, and do it twice), search the necessary books and overview the new books.
If you have questions, please contact us in the way that is convenient for you:
y phone: +38 (044) 204-82-75;
- by email: library@library.kpi.ua ;
- in chat with librarian online;
- in library chat in Telegram and on the Facebook page.