Develop KPI Library together with us – join our team of friends, partners, sponsors and donators, Any support from you is important for us because it helps to create the library of the modern world.
You can transfer (donate) money, donate books, furniture, and technics, become our volunteer or speaker, support our projects.
a book
Wondering, where to give the books you have already read? Or, maybe, you are the author, who wants your book to be read? Your book-gift would be just in the right place here, at the KPI Library. We develop our library collection and want it to be modern, represent different themes, and to be interesting and useful for our readers.
If your home library contains textbooks (published in the last three years), reference books, fiction, books in foreign languages, albums, which you do not use, you might bring them to the Library, and here they will find their grateful readers.
Our book donators (in Ukrainian):
1st quarter of 2020
2nd quarter of 2020
3rd quarter of 2020
4th quarter of 2020
1st quarter of 2019
2nd quarter of 2019
3rd quarter of 2019
4th quarter of 2019
Contact person to transfer a book:
Oksana Dmytrun
+38 (044) 204-97-53
technical equipment
Computers, notebooks, projectors, smart-boards, comfortable furniture – all the attributes of modern space have to be at the library. With that convenient space, our users can work on their projects, take online courses, organize and visit educational events.
Contact person to transfer an equipment:
Svitlana Zuyeva
+38 (044) 204-82-75
We know what our users need and can use money the right way. All the financial charitable contributions we put into technical equipment, organization of events, project realization, creation of modern library collection, repair and maintenance of buildings, etc.
Bank account details for charitable contributions
Receiving Organization: Благодійна організація «Благодійний фонд “Асоціація випускників Київського політехнічного інституту імені Ігоря Сікорського”»
Address: 03056 м. Київ, проспект Перемоги, будинок 37, корпус 1, оф. 264
EDRPOU: 35757032
Score: UA853052990000026000016209702
Purpose of payment: For the development of KPI Library
speaker or trainer
We constantly are looking for interesting speakers, trainers – experts in different fields and activities: from financial literacy, graphic design to 3D printing and robotics. Our speakers – professionals with a great desire to share their knowledge, experience, cases with others, Each year we organize more than 250 events because we aim that all KPI Library users – technicians or humanitarian specialists – would find in our digest event that suits them and their professional growth. Therefore, if you have something to teach others, we are waiting for you!