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Can I become a user of your library if I do not relate to KPI? Which documents do I need to have?
Yes, you can become our library user. Everyone who needs resources and/or services of our library can use them. You will have to register in our users database at the Information Desk (1st floor) during the Library working hours. You need to bring a passport or student ID card of your University with you.
Attention! You can use paper materials only in reading rooms, not taking them home.
Where can I sign the exit checklist?
You can sign the exit checklist at the Information Desk (1st floor) during the Library working hours. The checklist is signed if all the publications you borrowed have been returned to the Library.
Where can I register and what document I must bring with me?
Users are registered at the Information desk during the Library working hours.
You must have identification documents with you:
- Students of Igor Sikorsky KPI: Student ID card (or student’s record book, or dean’s office certificate) + passport;
- Staff of Igor Sikorsky KPI: Staff ID card (or certificate from human resources department) + passport;
- Postgraduate students of Igor Sikorsky KPI: Postgraduate student ID card + passport;
- Everyone (in particular, students of other higher educational institutions): Passport or student ID card.
What can I do with My Account service online?
With My Account service you can:
- order documents you would like to use;
- see the current loans and dates of their return;
- overview the history of your orders and borrowed and returned books;
- check the status of your orders;
- renew the return date.
Attention! My Account service can be accessed only by registered users. You can register at the Information Desk (1st floor) during the Library working hours.
What are my login and password to My Account service?
Login depends on the ID card which is used to serve you at the Library.
- Students of Igor Sikorsky KPI – student ID card number without letters at the beginning;
- Staff of Igor Sikorsky KPI – ID card number;
- Users not related to KPI – code of readers card.
Attention! When entering student card number do not enter series and preceding zeroes.
Secret word or certain sign sequence, which you entered at the registration.
- you can change your password. Choose «Password» in My Account;
- password has to contain only Latin alphabet (does not depend on the capitalization) or numbers;
- password length – 4 to 20 symbols;
- taking care of security, do not use your current passwords or the numbers of your documents to create the password;
- if you forget your password or ID, ask Librarians at the Information Desk (1st floor).
Does the Library give access to the full-text scientific and educational materials written by the Igor Sikorsky KPI lecturers, in digital format, stored online?
Yes. You can see the full texts in ElAKPI – Electronic Archive of Scientific and Educational
materials of Igor Sikorsky KPI (only the materials, downloaded by the authors).
Where can I see what documents are in the Library collection?
You can see that via Electronic catalogue.
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How can I order online?
- enter My Account in the electronic catalogue – catalogue – enter your «readers barcode» (login) and «Password»;
- search materials on some subjects. Choose from the list of publications the one you need and press «All items» on the right side;
- choose the item with the status you need and press «Request» (you need to pay attention to the «Item status», because «Reading room» means that you can only use the item in reading room, all other statuses – term, for which you could borrow the item home). On the screen the order form for the particular item will open;
- In the field «Delivery» choose a place where it will be convenient for you to take the order (for example, Check-out desk, 2 floor) and press «Continue»;
- on the page that opens you can send your order or return to editing previous data. Press «Continue» to finish the registration of your order. The system will inform you that your order has been registered and where to take it.
What are the terms of delivering my order?
Your order will be delivered in 10 minutes to 1 hour period from the moment of its registration in the system (electronic catalogue) depending on how busy are the book stacks workers.
Attention! The order will wait on the reservation shelf for 4 days, after that it is canceled automatically. That item cannot be checked out to anyone but you.
Are there limitations to my orders?
The number of borrowed and ordered items is not limited.
But when ordered and borrowed the identity of the publication is considered. So you can order only one item of the certain title of a particular edition.
How can I receive information on the requested items and terms of delivery?
Information on delivery or rejection of your order is sent to your email registered in the system.
You also can check current requested items in My Account, service: choose the «Hold Requests» chapter. There is a table with all your current orders.
In the column «Request status» you can follow the steps of fulfilling your order:
- In process – means that your order is in process of delivery;
- On hold until – your order is delivered and you can receive it. Date of delivery is in the column «Hold date».
- Rejection – the item you ordered can not be borrowed because it is absent on the shelf due to some reasons. In that case your order will be deleted by the librarian.
Attention! Information about deleting the order will be sent to you only by email and NOT accessible on My Account.
How to find out the period I can use materials for?
- in My Account;
- ask librarians at the Loan desk or Information desk;
- call Information desk: +38 (044) 204-82-75;
- write a letter to the email of Information desk: library@library.kpi.ua;
- use service Librarian Online at our website.
How can I renew period of using borrowed materials?
If you are running out of time of using the materials you borrowed home, you can renew the period of use with My Account:
- open chapter «Loans» and in the list of borrowed items find the one you need to renew;
- press its number in the list or author’s surname in column «Author» you will see the detailed information;
- press «Renew» (if the item is allowed to renew, the button will be active) and the period of use will be prolonged.
Renewal has its limits:
- document, loaned home, is renewed exactly for the period you already have it. If you took a book for 3 months, have read it for a month and want to renew it, than it will be renewed only for a month. If have been reading the book for 2 months and 29 days, than the book will be renewed for 2 months and 29 days. It is more preferable for you to renew the book closer to the end of the period of use;
- maximal period you can prolong period of use is actually the period this item can be borrowed for. For example, item with status «Three months» can be renewed maximum for three months in one time (in 1 day before the end of period of use);
- educational editions that are loaned for 1 studying year are not renewed;
- you can renew item only 2 times.
Can I renew the documents use if in My Account ‘Renew’ button is not active?
Yes. To renew the period of use, you need to bring the items to Loan desk (2nd floor).
How to return documents to the Library?
You can return documents at all the loan desks and with the Book Return box (1st floor). If the item is damaged (falling apart or pages pulled off etc.), please return it at one of the loan desks.
Book return box is available every day from 8:00 till 22:00 (except for Sunday). Books are taken from the box at 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and in one hour are deleted from the reader’s loans on My Account.
My Account service you can check all the time. In case of any questions, ask the Librarians at the Loan desk (2nd floor).
How can I present books to the Library?
We are glad to receive book presents which develop current library collection for our users.
To present books to the Library, please contact Oksana Dmytrun (Head of Acquisition and Scientific Processing of Documents Department):
- at the Library room № 02 (Ground floor);;
- call the phone: +38 (044) 204-97-53;
- email to: o.dmytrun@library.kpi.ua.
What are the Smart Shelter opening hours?
The space, like a co-working space, operates during Library hours (Monday – Friday from 9:00 to 17:30). During an air raid alert, the space operates as a shelter 24 hours a day.
How does Smart Shelter work when the lights are off?
During power outages, a generator operates in Clust Space. The room has minimal lighting, internet, and the ability to charge your gadget.
How to book a room at Smart Shelter?
Meeting/event rooms are available free of charge to students and employees of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. For all others wishing to book a room, the service is paid. You can view rates and rooms for booking at the link.