KPI Library is a unique architecture object, the example of Soviet modernism. However, when the Library was in project, the constructors did not take into consideration the needs of every person, person with muscle-skeleton disorder, person with visual impairment, mother with a baby in a pushchair. So now we have six floors with reading rooms where every day open educational events are held, where our visitors learn something new, improve their soft and hard skills, work on the projects, do research, communicate. These six floors and a bunch of opportunities for self-improvement are available not for everyone because of simple physical and technological obstacles. And we want to change that.
We plan to rebuild the library space in order with principles of universal design so that our library became accessible and convenient for each person. Not to divide the space for people with different needs, not to turn historical monument with unique monumental and decorative ornaments into modern co-working, but to use the architecture peculiarities of the building and make inner space universal and accessible for all the people, no matter what age, abilities and functional needs they have.
Now we have recommendations on how to improve accessibility from the School of Universal Design in four directions: space, information, objects, services. We have implemented part of the recommendations: for better navigation we placed on the building sign «LIBRARY» , marked steps with yellow and black tape, renewed library website.
But we still have a lot of changed forward, and we still need financial support of the corporate citizen, members of business society, philanthropists, and everyone who cares, so that the KPI Library could become really open for everyone.

Instagram: klochko_olexandr
Our plans
To implement project «Inclusive environment at the KPI Library» we need:
1. Involve experts to develop plan of redesign library and to do repairing due to the demands of universal design. First, we need to change the plan of the first library floor.
2. Put the entrance doors: folding doors with marks on the glass and anti-shock film.
3. Customize entrance to the library and inner space with safe and normative ramps.
4. Rebuild toilet rooms taking into account universal design.
5. Buy the necessary equipment: tables with height adjustment, technical equipment for visually impaired people. We did research on market and need of people with different needs and now have the up-to-date list of necessary technical equipment.
6. Teach the library staff to improve the quality of service, consulting and helping in different situations to the people with different needs.
Support the project
You can support the project «Inclusive environment at the KPI Library» financially by transferring money as charitable contributions, or to become a partner of relevant plan direction. Library is open to cooperation and dialogue.
Bank account details for charitable contributions:
Receiving Organization: Благодійна організація «Благодійний фонд “Асоціація випускників Київського політехнічного інституту імені Ігоря Сікорського”»
Address: 03056 м. Київ, проспект Перемоги, будинок 37, корпус 1, оф. 264
EDRPOU: 35757032
Score: UA853052990000026000016209702
Purpose of payment: Project «Inclusive environment at the KPI Library»
For more information about the project «Inclusive environment at the KPI Library» and possible cooperation, please, contact the manager of the project.