In our Information Support Center for Education and Research, all registered users can receive individual consultation for their research on a particular topic or order an online event for a group of researchers.
- the service is free and available online and offline.
How to Use
To receive individual consultation or training, contact an employee of the Information Support Center for Education and Research in a way convenient for you:
- in Library: in the Center for Information Support of Education and Research (4th floor, room 4.4);
- by phone: +380 (44) 204-96-72;
- by e-mail:;
- or order a consultation / educational event using the Zoom service or offline.
Topics of researchers’ consultations
- Determination of scientometric indicators of authors (number of documents, number of citations, h-index) in Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar
- Registration/updating of the author’s profile in the ResearcherID registry
- Registration/updating of the author’s profile in the ORCID registry
- Updating and building profiles in Scopus
- Creating/updating of researchers’ representations on web platforms: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Mendeley
- Placement of materials in the institutional repository ElAKPI
- Placement of materials in thematic depositories
- Search for scientific information
- Use of reference managers
- Assistance in choosing a journal for publication of research results
- Assistance in drawing up the reference list in accordance with Ukrainian and international standards
- Checking academic texts for signs of plagiarism
Topics of consultation for representatives of editorial boards of scientific publications and conferences organizing committees
- Help in choosing a publication development strategy;
- Assessment of the publication’s compliance with international requirements;
- Working with the Open Journal System (OJS) publishing platform;
- Working with the Open Conference Systems (OCS) organizational platform;
- Execution of mandatory components of the English-language version of the publication’s website;
- Assistance with submission of requests for journal inclusion in authoritative databases of scientific content (Scopus, Web of Science, Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, etc.);
- Ordering and registration of DOI for journal articles;
- Order ISSN (Print), and ISSN (Online) for publication.