Digital Library – web-portal with digitized historical, scientific, cultural materials from funds of KPI Library. The project allows everyone interested to review in open access digitized publications, photo-, audio- and video materials, archive documents that belong to the cultural assets.
For the realization of the project, we have won the grant from EaP Connect – software for materials digitization, received for temporary use scanner, also we prepared collections of the digital library web-portal:
- Scientific and technical periodicals before 1917 y. – periodical publications from different fields of science and technics: papers of scientific societies and organizations, gazettes and works of scientific institutes and educational institutions, bulletins, journals of different fields, annotated overviews, yearly books, official publications of state institutions – 1051 issue; number of pages – 59501.
- Works of researchers NTUU KPI – scholarly works, textbooks, and manuals, reports on academic trips, non-fiction essays or separate articles from periodicals – documents – 234; number of pages – 32450.
- Literary monuments on science and technics published before 1920 y. – lifetime editions on science and technics, scientific works, collected works, theses, encyclopedias and vocabularies, items with unique autographs, stamps, bookplates, and other book marginalia.
- Textbooks on certain fields of science and technics before 1920 y. – textbooks, lecture courses, manuals, workbooks, methodical materials, tables, atlases, reference books – 4141 titles.
- History of the Kyiv polytechnic institute – historical essays, official documents (regulations, statute of the Institute, instructions, rules, collections of acts), work reports, lists of students, staff of the Institute, documents on faculty and particular departments history, papers of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, history of scientific and technical Library etc.
- Research Bulletin of the Kyiv Politechnic institute and other Ukrainian periodicals – all printed editions for the whole time of activity of the KPI as an educational institution – 277 issues; number of pages – 40431.
- Literary monuments on society and economy, and fiction.
- Handwritten archives of the professors of NTU – Konovalov M. I. (letters, copy-books with notes and calculations, notebooks, etc.) – 23 paper cases – 4000-5000 pages.