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Library services readers remotely
Due to the University decree №7/54 since the 12th of March (Thursday) till the 3rd of April (Friday) because of the quarantine and to stop the spreading of COVID-19 Hryhoriy Denysenko Scientific and Technical Library serves the readers remotely.
Information desk works:
Mon.-Fri. 9:00-17:30
Sat., Sun. – holidays.
You can contact us via e-mail: library@library.kpi.ua
читати далі
Largest archive of the academic articles arXiv.org
Largest archive of the academic articles and preprints in physics, mathematics, computer sciences, astronomy, statistics, economics – arXiv.org.
Most of the publications are available in original format TeX, you can also view and download documents in formats PostScript and PDF for free. Articles are placed to the arXiv by the scientists that work in different countries of the world. Most of the materials are in English, but you can place an article or a preprint in Ukrainian (or any other language) if the title and abstract are translated in English.
Sometimes to place the material for the first time the author is asked to gain support «endorsement» of another researcher who has already had a big experience of representing his materials in the arxiv.org. «Endorsement» status is provided automatically to the authors of the recognized around the world academic institutions.

KPI Library keeps hosting events
Last week online yoga class with the lecturer of Publishing and printing institute Tetiana Fisenko, chess competition online from Tabiia at Lichess and webinar of the Wiley company, dedicated to the work with multidisciplinary online-platform were held.
Please follow the news and announcement on our website and on the Library pages in social
networks to receive information about all the new opportunities end events!

Access to the educational materials of the Cambridge University Press publishing house
Publishing house of Cambridge University Press provides access to over 700 educational books for higher educational institutions for informational support of pupils, students, scientists during the pandemic of coronavirus. In particular, there are materials on engineering, computer sciences, mathematics, economics, physics, sociology, philosophy, history, linguistics, etc.
The content of educational books is available in HTML format for reading only and can not be downloaded.
For a better review of the educational materials, it is recommended to use browser Google Chrome.
Free access will last till May 2020 via link.
читати далі
Please use the opportunities of the open resources, databases that you might need for your education and preparing researches.
https://www.library.kpi.ua/resources/databases – the list of KPI Library that contains links to the
abstract and full-text databases, search systems, web-portals, repositories, etc. Most of the
resources from the list are in open access. Access to the full texts of the articles from the resources that are received through subscription, Springer and Wiley in particular, can be
received only in the KPI network.
Please send your questions to the e-mail: library@library.kpi.ua
читати далі